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Country Wildfire Bouquet


This bright mixture of colorful, vibrant flowers is an ideal addition to any occasion.

Floral Affair


An ideal fusion of softness and vibrance, this medley of fragrant flowers is the perfect gift for a special someone.

Captivating Bouquet


A warm brown basket filled to the brim with pink, purple and blue roses and lilies is a heart-warming surprise for a cherished friend or loved one. This bounty of blooms will warm the heart and bring sparkle to their day.

Holiday Pizzazz Centerpiece


This beautiful centerpiece, brimming with colorful and aromatic flowers of blue, purple and white, surrounding the warm glow of a candle, is a wonderful gift for a truly cherished person in your life.

Spring Basket


Launch into spring with this festive array of fresh, vibrant and fragrant flowers. Delicate yet bold, these blooms will brighten the day of someone close to your heart.

Flowers-N-Frills Bouquet


Pink, purple and white daisies and roses burst from this arrangement, creating a symphony of beauty, color and fragrance. Order this cheerful yet elegant assortment for a cherished person in your life.

Simply Tulips


Vibrant tulips spring to life from this colorfully delightful array of flowers! Radiating natural beauty and charm, these peppy blooms will brighten anyone's day, making them a truly luminous and sweet smelling gift!

A Perfect Match


Ever stop and stare a couple seemed to be meant for each other? A Perfect Match is as if it were a gift from the Gods. Red and pink tulips shimmer in that kind of perfection custom made for that special someone.

Embracing Kisses


Serenade them with your love and affection with nothing other than an ultimate favorite of shimmering pink and sunkissed yellow roses to set the occasion right. Bring out that natural charm with an aromatic presence of striking beauties!

Nostalgic Memories


Enrich the room with heavenly delight! This woven basket holds the most becoming arrangement of vivid flowers overflowing with intense beauty and flattering contrast.

Hugs Forever


Convey your sweet sentiment with affectionate charm and breathtaking beauty! The delightful combination of two-dozen romantic red roses accompanied by a cuddly teddy truly makes the perfect gift on surprise.

Garden Pleasures


This kaleidoscope of bold summery colors dressed in velvety petals are a picture perfect treat for that special someone for an unexpected surprise. Doll up from head to toe in your best threads and grab that special friend for a day in park and then for a night escape out on the town. Surprise them with your sincerest affections and the power of love will be returned!

High-School Sweethearts


Radiant and rich, these exquisite red roses brim with elegance and grace. Classically beautiful, these velvety, vibrant blooms make a sweet smelling and breathtakingly lavish gift!

A Cherished Friendship


Spoil someone who means a lot to you with these ravishing blooms.

Captivating Femininity


Ignite the richness of beauty with a bold modernly fashionable statement of deep pink, purple, and white shimmering blooms meant for the runway! Captivating Femininity is a perfect collaboration of eye candy and refinement. Capture that fashionista in that special someone with an inspiration of modern day style that cannot be matched!

Gentle Essence of Love


Grace them with a sweet surprise of luscious hot pink beauties all dolled up in sensual velvety petals. Loose yourself in that sweet aromatic decadence with a touch sass and style. Embrace your inner stylish chic!

Contemporary Chic


Fashionably understated, these gorgeous blooms will calm and uplift the spirit. Never underestimate the power of fashion! Hand-designed by a true floral artist, thses luxurious blooms air that flight of spring in the air. Spring into fasion with that special someone and make a statement!

A Blast of Colors


Jump for joy with A Blast of Colors in the perfect summery shades of hot pink, purple, and white to start the season off right. Be that mind-blending inspiration for a tid bit of summery style meets modern twist for its the perfect addition to any occasion and of course, that cuddly teddy bear to add that extra love!

Sweet Serenity


Shimmering with beauty and grace, these stunningly fresh flowers exemplify nature's majesty and charm! Sure to illuminate any room, these bright blooms will make a truly luminous and sweet smelling gift!

Colorful Melodies


Vibrant and bursting with life, this charming medley of flowers shimmers in sensational shades of fuschia, orange, yellow and pink! Sure to light up any room, these blissful blooms make a simply splendid and sweet smelling gift!

Absolutely Glamorous!


Strike a pose in the mirror and be Absolutely Glamorous! Feel elegant from head to toe and wallow away in fabulous style! Shades of luscious lavender blooms set the occasion right. Express yourself with charm and style to that special someone and your thoughts will be cherished!

Gentle Hugs and Kisses


Express your pure sentiment with affectionate charm and exquisite beauty! The delightful combination of two-dozen pink and white roses accompanied by a cuddly teddy truly makes the perfect surprise! Charm them from head to toe with something they can keep forever.

Bright and Vibrant


A terracotta pot brimming with blooms creates this fragrant and cheerful arrangement. The perfect combination of pink and yellow blooms air a charisma of spring. Show that special someone you care with an array of sweet smelling blooms of dashing elegance.

Charming Flora


Brimming with stunning color and lush beauty, this exquisite array of multicolored flowers set amid verdurous greenery sparkles with vibrant charm and luxurious grace. What a truly unforgettable gift!

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