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2 Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet


Precious blooms of soft pink radiate delicate beauty from this stunning arrangement of pink roses. Nestled in lush greenery, these beauties make the perfect gift of thanks and appreciation.

2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet


Vivid, velvety and vivacious, this extravagant, yet classically elegant, arrangement of red roses is sure to knock anyone's socks off! What a stunningly sublime and heartfelt gift of gratitude!

One Dozen Red Roses


One dozen delightfully decadent red roses spring to life from this stunning arrangement. Velvety, vivid and vivacious, these brilliant blooms make a wonderfully heartfelt and memorable gift of thanks and appreciation.

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Radiating beauty, fragrance and rich hues of red, these velvety, yet bold, roses make an exquisitely thoughtful and memorable gift of thanks and appreciation.

2-Dozen Yellow Roses


Illuminate the world with the luminous beauty of two-dozen yellow roses! Make a glowing statement full of warmth and lush radiance with this extravagant bouquet. A magnificent thank-you gift!

2 Dozen Assorted Roses Bou..


Vibrant and colorful, this medley of multi-hued roses radiates beauty and fragrance. Lush, verdurous greens add an extra touch of natural charm, making this bouquet a truly special and memorable way to say thank you.

2 Dozen White Roses Bouquet


Stunningly pure and pristinely elegant, this arrangement of delicate white roses sparkles with natural beauty and fragrance. A truly unforgettable and inspiring thank you gift!

Dozen Pink Roses


Soft and delicate, yet bold and vibrant, this arrangement of velvety pink roses is a classically beautiful medley of tender color and sweet fragrance. A wonderfully heartfelt and heartwarming thank you gift!

Dreams From The Heart


Exemplify the heights of glory with this bountiful bouquet! Overflowing with fresh flowers in a dazzling display, this wonderful gift truly speaks straight from the soul.

Up in the Sky


Sail the ocean blue with not a cloud in the sky for a beautiful day is not so far away! Cobalt blue and shimmering white blossoms come together like a fresh summer day at the beach with that special someone. Look Up in the Sky for the sun is shining down on that special someone for a thought of good fortune can make dreams come true!

Rose Explosion


Radiant with ravishing beauty, this magnificent bouquet of eighteen perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful and unexpected way to say thank you!

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Ravishing roses sparkle with nature's beauty and grace. An exquisite arrangement, brimming with fragrance and vibrance, this makes a truly memorable thank you gift!

Rose Devotion


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful gesture of sincere gratitude!

Exquisite Roses


Resplendent with ravishing beauty, this magnificent bouquet of two-dozen perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful way to say thank you!

Roses of Renaissance


Make a dramatic, classic statement full of old-fashioned grandeur with sixteen breathtaking red roses hand-tied with a ribbon. A truly spectacular gesture of gratitude!

Shining Star Bouquet


Charming, lovely, and absolutely precious, this bouquet of fresh flowers in pretty pastels radiates both style and harmony. A truly delightful way to say thank you!

Dreamy Summer Vacation


Drift away to a serene summer vacation with this vibrant assortment of multi-hued, sweet smelling flowers. A stunning, fresh medley, these blooms will fill any room with joy and light, making it a simply splendid thank you gift!

Victorian Rose


There is nothing more glamorous and charming than the rose itself, for it speaks so many words without thought. Dazzling pastels of peach, pink, and white symbolize gentility and femininity. A precious gift of love is never the wrong choice for a Victorian Rose says just that. Charm that loved one with a token of sheer affection for a simple thought is a gift in and of itself.

Peach Sorbet


Relax on that lounging laxidasical Saturday and enjoy a breath of fresh air, a homemade lemonade, and a creamy Peach Sorbet! There is nothing more refreshing than a day of utter rest and relaxation for the season has just begun. Those velvety peach and pink roses ignite a sense of warm affections and a breezy summery day next that special someone.

Lavender Windfall


A display of Lavender Windfall - a towering bouquet of shimmering blooms in various shades of luscious lavender symbolize a most celebrated and cherished life! Embrace the sense of springtime fashion for pastels are always in season. Chic as it is lovely, lavender is the color of choice for every gal should be wrapped up in lavender!

White Lilies of Peace Basket


Renew spirits with a generous breath of fresh air! Artistically arranged with assorted white flowers and lovely greens, this basket truly adds an aura of gratitude and harmony to the room.

Waltz into Spring


Refreshing, stylish, and radiant, this absolutely exquisite bouquet is guaranteed to create an uplifting aura of harmony and joy. Express your gratitude in style!

A Rainbow of Tulips


Soft, pretty, and harmonious, this bouquet of tulips truly adds a lovely touch of fresh air to the room. Express your gratitude with the most wonderful gift�send flowers today!

Picture Perfect Pink


Emanate tender, breathtaking beauty, and whimsical pleasures fill the room with subtle undertones of charm and affection! Its time to release those distant memories and embrace every moment with that special someone as if it will last forever!

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