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A Channel of Florals


Pure beauty reigns supreme from this elegant bouquet of assorted fresh flowers. Hues of pink, white and purple radiate grace and charm, making this arrangement a beautiful bounty of blooms! What a perfect anniversary gift!

Alice in Wonderland


Stop time with a classic white basket filled with delightfully perfumed fresh flowers in vivid violet hues. Make an ordinary day an unforgettable moment, send fowers!

Country Road Bouquet


Experience all the beauty and colorful joy of spring with this basket of flowering glory! With lovely hues, fragrant roses, and darling accents, this charming display truly delights the soul. Send today!

Scent of Spring Bouquet


An explosion of magnificent, fragrant glory! Take their breath away with this electrifying assortment of exotic, luxurious flowers radiating the beautiful colors of spring artfully arranged in a tranquil glass vase. Send today!

Spring Welcome Bouquet


Capture the sensation of a gentle spring breeze with a lovely bouquet of fresh flowers! Elegant and full of tranquility, this beautiful arrangement celebrates a most joyous transition from winter to spring. Send today!

Colorful Bounty


Praise the loveliness of purple and lavender flowers with this lovely and enchanting bouquet. Brighten their world with joy and flattery--send today!

Abundant Glory Rose


Gasp with speechless wonder at this absolutely gorgeous bouquet of three-dozen exquisitely colored roses! Luxuriate in the rich fragrance and flattering abundance of glory--send today!

Beaming Bouquet


Radiant, regal, and resplendent with the pure beauty of nature! Relish in the simple luxury of orchids artfully arranged in a tranquil glass vase. So vibrant and lovely--send flowers today!

Soothing Happiness


Flood their soul with soothing tranquility and overwhelming joy! Alive with fresh fragrance and flattering color contrast, this gorgeous bouquet conveys your sincerest sentiment--send today!

Happiness Roses


Vibrant, vivid, and absolutely breathtaking--say all you have to say with the splendid glory of this beautiful red, white, and blue bouquet. So gorgeous--send flowers today!

Bright Smiles


Just darling! Serve a steaming cup of pure joy and delighted glee with this charming bouquet plumb full of beautiful mixed blossoms. Don't delay--send flowers today

A Hopeless Romantic


Vivid and vibrant, this assortment of fresh, pink flowers brims with exquisite beauty and feminine, natural grace. Radiant and ravishing, these velvety blooms make a lavish, sweet smelling anniversary gift!

America the Great


Capture the breathtaking grace and charming glory of America with this beautiful basket full of vibrant color and patriotic cheer. Spread the joy--send today!

Colors of Love Bouquet


Red, purple, and pink, oh my! Capture all the passionate hues of vibrant glory with this absolutely gorgeous bouquet. Take their breath away--send flowers today!

Beaming Bouquet


Beaming with beauty and vibrant yellow blooms, this cheerful, sunny bouquet of flowers is guaranteed to fill any room with vivacity and sweetly sublime floral fragrance. Verdurous greens create a gorgeous contrast and make this piece a truly perfect anniversary gift!

Just You


Velvety petals of yellow, pink and peach spring to life from this vibrantly colorful, sweet smelling bouquet of roses. Express your pure sentiments on a dear friend or loved one with these brilliant blooms!

My Blue Heaven


Washed in alluring shades of amethyst and exuding sweet floral scents, this brilliant bouquet of fresh flowers showcases nature's beauty and delicate grace. What a vibrant and fragrant anniversary gift for your most special someone!

Just for You


Precious petals of pink exude delicate radiance and the sweet aroma found only in fresh flowers. Delicate yet brilliantly beautiful, this bouquet is the perfect way to express your sentiments as you and a beloved spouse or significant other celebrate a wonderful, love-filled year!

Tropical Flowers


Make a dramatic statement full of mythical mystery and wonder with this exotic, luxurious bit of tropical heaven. Don�t delay--send these gorgeous flowers today!

Bold Statement Giftbasket


Pamper with this truly magnificent gift basket! Spread the joy with rich cheeses, gourmet crackers, and other assorted treats artistically arranged with exotic flowers by a professional florist. Delicious and guaranteed to delight--send today!

Togetherness Bouquet


Full of elegant beauty, this lovely bouquet exemplifies stylish grace and enchanting wonder. Express yourself fully--send flowers today!

Light of My Life


Vibrant and tropical, this splendid array of cheerful yellow flowers exudes nature's vivacious and joyful essence! What a little slice of paradise and a wonderful anniversary gift!

Crimson 'n Cream


Make a dramatic statement full of breathtaking style, beauty, and sheer elegance with this fragrant collection of long-stem roses colored in shades of deep crimson and cream. So classic and utterly exquisite--send today!

Springtime Celebration


Rejoice in the heartwarming, captivating essence of a fresh spring breeze with this becoming bouquet of flowers! Celebrate all the glorious wonders of the season--send today!

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