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Victoria Rose Bouquet


Stunning, unique, and utterly opulent, this breathtaking bouquet of roses and old-fashioned greenery is sheer visual poetry full of heart and soul.

Two-Dozen Red Roses


Surprise a very special person in your life with this sublimely stunning arrangement of two-dozen ravishing red roses. Rich in color and fragrance, these blissful blooms are guaranteed to make a splash!

Rose Extravaganza!


Make the statement to end all statements with this overflowing bouquet of fragrant red roses.

Tons of Hugs


Express yourself with affectionate charm and exquisite beauty! The delightful combination of two-dozen romantic red roses accompanied by a cuddly teddy truly makes the gift for that special occasion!

Enchanted Love


Fresh, colorful, and heavenly! Add a touch of luxurious beauty to the occasion with this exquisite bouquet of pink lilies and red roses. Make it a day to remember�order from a talented florist today!

Bear w/ 2-Dz White Roses


Decadent and stunning, this arrangement of two-dozen, pure white roses is sure to illuminate any room, filling it with Nature's true beauty and grace. A huggable, loveable teddy bear sets this piece apart as a truly memorable gift.

A Bit of Sensuality


Brighten up the theme of the day with a radiant palette of color to suggest just a bit femininity. Bring out that sensuous side with those aromatic fresh florals to start that fashionable season off right. A gift of flair and style is always the right choice!

Touched by Love


Add a bit of elegance and striking beauty to that memorable occasion. At some point in life we are all Touched by Love. Give that special someone a piece of your heart with a plethora of ravishing red and shimmering white blossoms to set their spirits free.

Blushing Roses


Make it a day to remember! Say all you have to say with the tender beauty of twelve perfect pink roses complemented with fresh greens in a tranquil glass vase. Don�t delay�order today!

Dazzling Reds


Open your eyes and your heart to a Dazzling Reds for all red blossoms shimmer and shine with the colors of romance and the essence of love! Romance that cherished loved one with a symbol of deep affections and utter loyalty for the heart knows no boundaries. Dive in head first to a life of happiness and wallow in the essence of love!

2 Dozen Red Roses Wrapped


Make a scene with this delicate, yet bold, arrangement, and show how meaningful someone is to you.

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Ravishing roses sparkle with nature's beauty and grace. An exquisite arrangement, brimming with fragrance and vibrance, this makes a truly memorable gift!

A Touch of Innocence


Dive into the realm of pure inspiration with a dazzling plethora of all white luscious roses that shimmer and shine with magnificent charm. Release that inner child and flourish in the garden of roses leaving all your troubles behind. Its time for a little A Touch of Innocence.

Blushing Champagne


Shimmering with grace and beauty, this stunning array of pink and peach roses will birhgen up any room! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents make these blooms a truly splendid gift!

Two-Dozen Red Roses


Richly red and radiant, velvety roses spring to life amid lush greenery. Overflowing with beauty and fragrance, this decadent arrangement is a truly unforgettable gift.

English Rose Garden


This voluminous bouquet, infused with all the charm of an English rose garden, is a classic delight.

Bear with Roses


Fill a special someone's heart with the warm-fuzzies and feelings of love and adoration with this exquisite ensemble of regal red roses. An adorable teddy bear accompanies this piece, making it a truly unique and extraordinary token of your affections.

Rose Explosion


Radiant with ravishing beauty, this magnificent bouquet of eighteen perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful and unexpected surprise!

A Simple Love


Show her how perfect you think she is by doting on her with the sort of distinctive gift she deserves!

Display of Affection Arran..


Graceful and delicate, the velvety roses will showcase your warmest feelings and impecable taste while warming the heart of someone you care about. Don't delay - Order today!

Two Dozen Red Roses


Extravagant yet classically beautiful and elegant, this stunning arrangement of two dozen ravishing red roses will fill any room with brilliant beauty and life. What a wonderful token of affection and love!

5-Dozen Roses--WOW!


What a classic expression of affection! Clearly a testament that less isn't always more. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.)

4 Dozen Roses


Make a grand statement with this explosion of color and fragrance. Four-dozen velvety, red roses burst from this arrangement, making it a spectacular token of your love and devotion.

Cheerful Greetings


Flash that warm open smile for that special someone in need of Cheerful Greetings. A radiant plethora of luscious blossoms in deep hues of fuschia pink and ravishing red blend together like a two soulmates in love. A touch of brilliance brims with classic style and sensuous pleasure for the best things in life are free!

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