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Loving Memories


Loving Memories are never a distance, only a thought away. Set the mood on a new level with precious blooms in the most delicate shades of yellow and white. Send a message of happy to that special someone in need of a big warm smile!

Garden Delights Bouquet


Exude sheer joy and touching beauty straight from the garden! Brighten their world with this elegant display artistically arranged by a talented florist. Delight them in style�order today!

Purple Perfection


Show her how perfect you think she is by doting on her with the sort of distinctive gift she deserves! Elegant purple orchids, roses and lilies emerge from amongst the finest fresh flowers and greenery to create an impressive collection of some of the most sought-after blooms your darling could desire.

Country Basket


Set low and overflowing in a natural basket, this precious assortment of pink and white flowers will put a smile on any face. Topped off with a lovely pink ribbon, this arrangement is all ready to make someone's day!

Holland Basket


Brilliant blue iris, vibrant yellow tiger lilies, precious pink snapdragons, pure white carnations, and either white tulips or roses make this a dazzling arrangement. Set in a natural-looking basket, this assortment of blissful blooms is a heart-warming gift.

Spring Flowers Galore


Felicitous floral hues abound in this vibrant and colorful arrangement of assorted fresh flowers. This brilliant and bright arrangement makes for a wonderful gift!

Country Expressions 'Just ..


Fresh and vibrant, like the natural beauty of the countryside, this arrangement of flowers will brighten any room. Bring joy to someone's heart with Mother Nature's brilliant bounty.

Only For You


Beautiful, vibrant and fresh flowers spring to life from this charming arrangement, accompanied by a huggable, loveable teddy bear. This piece makes for a heartfelt and cheery gift!

Flowers of Europe "Just Be..


Bright blooms of pink, purple and yellow spring to life from this vibrant assortment of radiant roses. A heart-warming surprise for someone you truly care about!

Pink Flirt


A vivid vision of the warmest wishes, brought to life as fragrant, fresh bouquet!

A Breath of Fresh Air


Beautiful blooms of light blue, lavender and yellow sparkle with grace and breathtaking beauty. Charming yet elegant, this array of fresh, sweet smelling flowers makes for a memorable gift!

Jazz in the Park


Tranquil and serene, this exquisite bouquet of pastel petals brims with charm, beauty and sweet floral scents. Vibrant and breathtaking, these fresh flowers are sure to make a splendidly memorable gift!

Red Tulips


Exquisite, breathtaking, and absolutely perfect! Say all you have to say with this gorgeous bouquet of vibrant red tulips artistically arranged by a professional florist. Don't delay--send flowers today!

Country Road Bouquet


Experience all the beauty and colorful joy of spring with this basket of flowering glory! With lovely hues, fragrant roses, and darling accents, this charming display truly delights the soul. Send today!

Beaming Bouquet


Beaming with beauty and vibrant yellow blooms, this cheerful, sunny bouquet of flowers is guaranteed to fill any room with vivacity and sweetly sublime floral fragrance. Verdurous greens create a gorgeous contrast and make this piece a truly perfect gift!

Tulip Garden


Capture the heavenly glory of nature with a blooming bouquet of beautiful tulips! Bursting with vivid hues artfully arranged in a tranquil glass vase, these breathtaking flowers truly express all you have to say...and so much more. Send today!

A Sunny Daze


Vivid yellows and bold blues spring to life from this beautiful bouquet of flowers. Vibrant, sweetly scented and dripping with springtime freshness, this iris and tulip arrangement makes a dazzling, sense stimulating gift!

Pink and the Blues


Vibrant blues and bold pinks burst with color, beauty and sweet fragrance from this brilliant assortment of fresh, springtime flowers. This stunning tulip and iris arrangement makes a wonderful, heartfelt gift!

Chromatic Beauty


Sure to illuminate any room, this vibrant array of lavender, purple, yellow, pink and green flowers brims with breathtaking beauty and charm1 Sweet floral scents are sure to bring joy and smiles, making this an utterly amazing gift!

A Dance Under the Moonlight


Unbelievably breathtaking, glorious, and magnificent! Celebrate in luxurious, sumptuous style. An absolute feast for the eyes--send today!

A Trio of Tulips


Vivid and vivacious, this ravishing assortment of red, pink and yellow tulips bursts with color and vibrant beauty. Take someone's breath away with this stunning array of blooms, a truly magical and joyous gift!

True Love Arrives


Breathtaking blooms of white, yellow and light pink spring to life, capturing nature's glory and beauty. Fresh and sweet smelling, these flowers will illuminate any room, making them a special and vibrant gift!

The Princess Garden


A simply sublime springtime collection of pink, white and yellow tulips brims with beauty, cheer and joy! Spring into spring with this array of fresh, felicitous flowers! Breathtaking and lively, this assortment of blooms makes for a smile-inducing gift!

Vivid Delights


Ravishing red and golden yellow tulips merry together as two soulmates meant to be together forever. Vivid colors blended together like a fiery sunset dash through the sky like a tropical dream. Stand out from the crowd for bold and beautiful are always a winnning combination.

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