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Stunning Beauty Bouquet


Gaze in speechless wonder at the sheer beauty of it all! Celebrate the vibrant combination of bright red roses, purple blossoms, and flattering pink stargazers offset with vibrant greens carefully displayed in a tranquil glass vase. Pamper someone special--have a talented florist arrange a delivery today!

On The Dancefloor


A vivid vision of the warmest wishes, brought to life as fragrant, fresh bouquet!

One-Dozen White Anniversar..


Nature's purity and grace abound from this arrangement of velvety, white roses. Nestled in lush greenery, this bouquet will express your deepest feelings of love and devotion as you celebrate another year with your most beloved someone.

Ravishing Beauties


Add a bit of elegance and striking beauty to that memorable occasion. At some point in life we are all touched by love. Give that special someone a piece of your heart with a plethora of ravishing red and shimmering white blossoms to set their spirits free.

Loving Expression


Charming, lovely, and absolutely precious, this bouquet of fresh flowers in pretty reds and pinks radiates both style and harmony. A truly delightful anniversary touch!

Dozen Pink Roses Wrapped


The softness of petals--a tender gesture to celebrate your love for someone special.

2 Dozen Red Roses w/Vase


Make a scene with this delicate, yet bold, arrangement, and show how meaningful someone is to you.

15 Tulip Assortment w/vase


Celebrate with tulips. What a wonderful way to brighten anyone's day. 15 Tulips.

Dozen Pink Roses w/Vase


The softness of petals--a tender gesture to celebrate your love for someone special.

Two-Dozen Red Roses


Extravagant and decadent, yet classically beautiful and elegant, this assortment of radiantly ravishing red roses. A timelessly heartfelt and thoughtful anniversary gift.

Dozens of Kisses From My H..


That great love comes only once in a lifeltime. The timing is right to find that special someone and shower them with open arms. One dozen luscious red roses communicate that special love that everyone looks for. Show them your inner heart and gift them the gift of love!

Red and White Anniversary ..


So fresh, elegant, and lovely! Express nothing but absolute pure emotion and perfect beauty with this lovely ensemble of red and white tulips. Don�t wait--have a flower delivery sent today!

Glorious Beauty


Vibrant flowers in haute hues of purple, pink and yellow shimmer with vivd beauty and charisma! Sure to fill any room with bright colors and floral joy, these blissful blooms make a luminously sweet smelling anniversary gift!

Assorted Bloom


Jump for Joy for there is Love in Bloom! Charm them with astonishment when these unexpected kaleidoscope of velvety luscious roses arrive on their doorstep. Picture perfect is what they will say! Luminous roses are always right for any occasion!

Peace of Mind


This picturesque arrangement will soothe the spirit and senses.

Blushing Roses


A felicitous fusion of classic beauty, stylish elegance and delightful decadence, this arrangement of ravishing roses is a wonderfully heartfelt and heartwarming anniversary gift!

Two-Dozen Assorted Anniver..


Two-dozen delightfully decadent roses of pink, red and white overflow from this blissfully brilliant arrangement. Lush greens add a vibrant contrast, making this a truly special Anniversary gift.

Highlights of Elegance


Dazzle that special someone with a brush of deep red and shimmering white blossoms that speak louder than words can express. The Highlights of Elegance are the theme of the day for love and romance are the heart of life. Spend that special occasion with that cherished someone that truly adored you.

Touched by Love


Add a bit of elegance and striking beauty to that memorable occasion. At some point in life we are all Touched by Love. Give that special someone a piece of your heart with a plethora of ravishing red and shimmering white blossoms to set their spirits free.

A Loving Touch


Add A Feminine Touch to that special occasion for an array of luscious pinks and ravishing red blossoms light up the room in pure amazement! Highlight that delicate moment with a gift of sheer affection for that special warm touch is always the right choice.

Dazzling Reds


Open your eyes and your heart to a Dazzling Reds for all red blossoms shimmer and shine with the colors of romance and the essence of love! Romance that cherished loved one with a symbol of deep affections and utter loyalty for the heart knows no boundaries. Dive in head first to a life of happiness and wallow in the essence of love!

Touch of Class


Strike a regal tone with this medley of lovely blooms. Filled with a variety of sweet-scented flowers, this majestic arrangement is sure to hold court with it's graceful allure. A Touch of Class captures the room like a beautiful queen!

Celebration of Love


This vibrant, multi-toned array of fresh flowers brims with vivid beauty and charisma! Sure to light up any room with floral joy, this rainbow of blooms radiates nature's wonder and makes for a truly breathtaking and sweet smelling anniversary gift!

Colorful Elegance


Capture the serenity and beauty of a springtime garden with this exquisite array of purple and hot pink flowers! Brimming with grace and charm, these brilliant blooms will light up any room and make for a simply splendid and sublime anniversary gift!

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